Trees Are Round, Wood Are Square
January 2023
「Edible Joinery = 食べる継ぎ手」という手法を通じて、日本の大工道具の魅力を世界中の人に体験してもらうワークショップです。バイリンガルのレクチャーを通じて、日本の大工道具や規矩術について理解を深めながら、各地の野菜などの食べ物を使って、継ぎ手制作に挑戦するというものです。オンラインで2回に分けて開催し、世界20カ国から90名を越える参加者を迎えました。
日時:1月17日 日曜日 午前9時から午前11時59分まで
zoomでオンラインにて開催します。zoomのセットアップは各自で行ってください。レクチャーは日本語と英語の両方で行われます。アドレスは、開催数日前にご連絡いたします。参加費:無料参加条件:① 3時間のレクチャーに参加できること。②レクチャー最後に発表するワーク(所要2時間程度)に取り組んでいただくことお申し込み方法:当ページ下部のフォームからお名前・メールアドレス・お住まいの所在地を入力してください。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。(参加者の方への連絡事項を下記に記しましたので、そちらもご確認ください)。
An online workshop that explores the unique geometric relationships between Japanese carpentry tools and the architectural forms they are used to generate.
Tools are vessels for the wisdom of a thousand generations of users. “Trees Are Round, Wood Are Square” is the first in a series of workshops that dive deeply into the history, techniques and physics of various Japanese woodworking tools. We conduct these investigations with reverence for joinery as a living tradition, one that embodies useful strategies for creating ecologically responsible architecture.This class will consist of a lecture on the sashigane - the Japanese carpenter’s square - and the surprising habits-of-mind it engenders in the wielder. After the lecture, we’ll hold a short hands-on workshop in which we use sashigane logic to cut joints out of some edible “timber” (carrots, radishes et al.).
Date and time: Saturday, January 16 from 7 PM to 9:59 PM, EST.
The workshop will be held online. We will contact you with the appropriate link a few days before the event.Cost: Free, but you have to purchase your own vegetables.Participation requirements: ① Attend a three-hour online workshop (with a break in the middle). ② Complete a short, hands-on project based on the tutorial presented at the end of the lecture (approx. 2 hours required)

こんにちは。the red dot school共同代表の河野直です。この度は、1月17日のクラスへのお申し込みをいただき、ありがとうございます。
b. 差金プリント登録後に送信されるメールに、ミニサイズ差金の表&裏のpdfデータがございます。クラスの前に、A4紙2枚に印刷したものをご用意ください。できればカラー印刷が好ましいです。
the red dot school 共同代表
質問などございましたら、 naokono.japan@gmail.comまたは09094152960までご連絡ください。尚、携帯電話はクラス当日はつながりにくいため、予めご了承ください。
Thanks for registering! We're excited to have you at the "Trees Are Round, Wood Are Square" workshop.
We'll be sending out a Zoom link 24 hours in advance of the course.
Prior to the workshop, we would love it if you could procure a few vegetables that we'll be carving into joinery together during the second half of our class. We have found that carrots, daikon radishes, eggplant and squash all make pretty good wood substitutes. We recommend any vegetable that is softer than a potato. And if you're feeling wild, you can also use cheese... or perhaps something we haven't thought of yet that is local to your area?
For the carving exercise, we'll first shave our foodstock into square dowels that are around 2cm x 2cm x 5cm, so make sure that your stock is big enough for that. As far as cutting goes, small kitchen knives are good, model-making knives are better. A peeler will also come in handy, as will a cutting board.
We will email registered participants a PDF of a sashigane, the Japanese carpentry tool that we'll be studying during our course. This tool will help you perform your vegetable joinery work. If you can, please print it out in color prior to the workshop (A4 or Letter, either is fine).
Here are the times of our course in the various time zones of our participants:
EST: 2021/1/16 7PM-9:59PM
PST: 2021/1/16 4PM-6:59PM
CET: 2021/1/17 1AM-3:59AM
ICT: 2021/1/17 7AM-9:59AM
HKT: 2021/1/17 8AM-10:59AM
JPT: 2021/1/17 9AM-11:59AM
Please feel free to invite friends—for this experiment, the more the merrier!