The Red Dot School

à la Haryu Wood Studio







“Wall Party”

A 14-day architecture studio held on the island of Sagishima.

Monday, May 26th at 12pm to Sunday, June 7th at 12pm, JPT (GMT+9)

Tuesday, October 7th at 12pm to Monday, October 20th at 12pm, JPT (GMT+9)



On Sagishima, there is an abundance of “space”. Whatever “space” means to you, when you step off the boat onto the island, you’ll feel that somehow there is more of it around you. That you can take bigger breaths. There’s an abundance of tranquil places, places that seem to exist outside of time, that are exempt from the social pressures and financial machinery that open land in urban landscapes is subjected to. Anachronistic spaces. Welcome spaces, where the exuberance and spirit of experimentation that our students bring with them to the island can flourish, can be made manifest.

One of the benefits of these conditions is that we can run some 1:1 experiments here and observe them over long periods of time. Last year, one of our alumni built a shed with a grass roof, working with an expert to develop a “kayabuki” method (of harvesting, bundling, and tying) that is specific to Sagishima ecology. We’ve had the pleasure of watching this small building change over the last several months, giving us insight into how a grass roof performs in Sagishima across the seasons.


We’d like to set some more experiments like these in motion this year. The object of our affection will be the wall. Why? Well, the overall trajectory of our school is heading towards the building of a house on the island, one that employs various tectonic strategies based on the resources available on Sagishima. These resources of course include salvaged timber from our various deconstruction projects thus far, but also the expertise we have access to, the amount and type of labor we can marshal, the technological traditions and know-how of the island, the generosity of islanders.



_それは、地方の再利用材料を多く用いた工法の性能に関する問いに答えるプロジェクトであるべきです。100%再利用材料の使用を目指す中で、どこで成功し、どこで妥協するのでしょうか? 建物の性能に大きな影響を与えすぎず、そして偽善的になりすぎずに、 どこまでその目標にどこまで近づけるでしょうか?

While the form, location on the island, and end-user of this building remain open questions, of these things we are certain:

_It should be a house, because, obviously, the house is a metaphor for the human heart, and that by building a heart together on the island, more people will want to help us. It adds a special depth and joy to the work. It’s the stone in the stone soup, so to speak. Also, almost all of our material stock was savaged from houses on the island. Our promise to the previous owner is to find new lives for these materials, and re-incorporating them into a new house is logical from both a tectonic and poetic perspective.

_It should be a project in which questions about the performance of architectural strategies that employ a very high percentage of local, rural salvaged materials can be answered. In striving for 100% upcycled material usage, where will we succeed, where will we concede? How close can we get to that number without infringing on the performance of the building too much (and without being too puritanical!).


Given this, we want to focus next on the walls of this imaginary house. During our studio, we’ll design and build a handful of 1:1 wall sections using local salvage, wood, earth, plants, trash, etc. Perhaps some are built on-site, in a place where they can stay for a year, and others are built in our workshop, on a palette, so that they’re movable by forklift. We’ll attempt to complete these walls with a high level of finish quality, working under the advisement of expert craftspeople. Each wall will pose some questions about the performance of a tectonic, and hopefully will answer those questions as we observe it in the elements, over a long time.


本スタジオでは、心優しい建築学生、もしくは建築やデザインに関連する分野の方々を募集しています。求める人物像は、以下のような方々です:精密かつ豊かな表現力を持つ方 / 実際に手を動かして作業することが好きな方 / データ分析やリモートセンシング、材料科学、バーチャルツインに興味のある方。こんな方々と一緒に活動できることを楽しみにしています。


Of course, we’ll represent these walls photographically, capturing them in their initial state, and recording its changing appearance over the years, but we also want to make representations of them in all the ways available to us as architects. We want to assemble an exquisite drawing set for each wall, accompanied by a construction & maintenance manual (& instructional video?). We also want to think about how we can represent these walls as data: what sensing equipment can we use to track how they change over time? Density, humidity, compression strength? What virtual erosion simulations can we run that are not completely irrelevant? Stuff like that.

This year, we’re looking for kind-hearted architects or architect-adjacent people who have precise control over their representational skills, an interest in getting dirty, and perhaps some who have an interest in data analysis, remote sensing, material science, and virtual “twins”.

Please drop us a line and we'll send you an application. See our Studios page for further details.