The Red Dot School

Floating Hotel ● Sagishima, Japan
August 2019
日本建築設計学会が主催するアジア建築サマーワークショップ佐木島ユニットのワークショップです。アジア8カ国・ヨーロッパ1カ国から建築学生が参加しました。Floating Hotel(瀬戸内海に浮かぶホテル)を設計課題に設定。ワークショップのある時点で、設計した平面プランをはさみで切り刻み、水に浮かべ、浮遊して刻々と変化するプランから、空間の発見を行うブレインストーミングワークを行いました。意識的にコントロールすることができない「自然の力」によってデザインが変容していくデザイン手法です。同様のワークショップを、京都大学の設計演習でも2日間に渡って行いました。
A ten-day studio on and around the tiny island of Sagishima, Japan. At the conclusion, plans for a floating hotel to negotiate rising tides and accommodate seasonal booms in citrus-eating, flower-peeping & triathalon-watching tourists were presented to the local government.
Opening presentations, and a review of student research on architectural issues in their home towns / regions / nations.
We introduced the workshop inside Fumihiko Maki’s elegant POPOLO performing arts center in Mihara, Japan. The island of Sagishima is just off-shore, and falls under Mihara’s purview. We were joined by Mihara city representatives as well as regional sponsors, to share findings on
pan-Asian similarities in local solutions to climate change, rural decline, and the fluctuations of the tourist economy. Our students hailed from 14 different Asian countries (plus Finland). Each presented a bit of wisdom from their home.
The foundation of nearby Mihara Fortress, afloat in its moat.
Onomichi's Hotel Cycle, which sits inside a refurbished maritime warehouse and caters to itinerant cyclists riding the Shimanami Expressway.
We explored Mihara and Onomichi, then we sailed to the island.
A float test was conducted for each hotel scheme.
We taught the children about where we came from, and they taught us about their island.
Sagiura Elementary School
Asako Yamamoto of Alphaville Architects joined us on the island for a series of charettes.
A menu of rooms